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Adding Function to the Kitchen

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 2:16 AM Posted by Andy Subandono

By Dennis Seeley

The availability of different designs for kitchens can really be different from customer to customer. However, the basic premises for a kitchen use and functionality are ease of operation while you're in the kitchen. Functionally and ease of operation mean different things to different people and this is why it is so difficult to build a one size or one design fits all kitchen. So, some basics designs allow for functionality and those designs include a kitchen pantry and a kitchen island.

The kitchen pantry can involve an actually room or a pantry could be considered something like an armoire. Turn of the century have these rooms off the edge of the kitchen and were used quite often. However, the lost their allure as people wanted to redesign their kitchens and didn't grow gardens as much and do canning each year after they harvested their garden. The point being, people typically will use all their storage if given enough time. So, people that bake or cook large meals definitely will use a pantry to store staples that are used to help prepare baked foods or staples need for normal day to day meals. You could expect to see canned goods like crème of mushroom, or cans of chicken broth or spaghetti in the pantry. In addition, people that like to create their own garden each year often like to can food and a pantry is the perfect storage area for this.. You definitely will find canned tomatoes for chili or other things such as pickles in a pantry. So, being able to store additional staples in a fairly close area to your kitchen helps save money during sales and stops the person from having to travel back and forth to the store which costs money in gas.

Although the pantry is old in the thoughts of convenience and functionality the kitchen island is a newer thought to adding functionality with a modern appearance. The kitchen islands have evolved from a basic table in the middle of the kitchen to a full blown kitchen island that has a electric stove top with a faucet and sick for quickly washing vegetables while you continue to prepare your food. The problem with kitchen islands is they tend to be fairly expensive when you start to add all the amenities to make it useful. The island also requires the manufacture or designer to make sure it is finished on all sides which is not a requirement for your typical cupboard which can be unfinished in the back because it is not viewable and does not matter unlike the island which is viewable on all sides.

The functionality for the homeowner is what is important. It is also what most people look at when they are shopping for a home. If they do not see any place for storage or they see they need to make several changes this will make the offer placed on the home lower than normal. If your home has a pantry and a decent kitchen island the home owner will definitely increase the ability to sell a home for the sake of added functionally and available storage for the kitchen.

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